- It is very important to understand the growth rate by type of data. Examination of volume growth trends by type can help storage managers identify possible system problems and anomalous user behavior.
- Data storage managers should collect data and regularly report to management on changes in the volume of data stored
- Data storage managers should keep a weather eye on opportunities to reduce the data volume through elimination of unnecessary or duplicate data and archiving.
- IT management can help abate the unstrained growth of data through user education and policy.
Despite the fact that the relative cost of computer data storage media per unit volume has fallen 63 percent since 1998[i], the overwhelming data volume growth is causing storage costs to grow rapidly. Industry has responded to the market’s need for more intelligent storage of data. A tiered storage model and data deplication solutions have entered the main stream and can help economize on data storage investments.
To read my entire white paper on this topic, go to www.storagestrategies.com
[i] Bureau of Labor and Statistics Producer Price Index for computer storage media. http://data.bls.gov